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Black Week is well underway, and Blystad, Head of Affiliate, has set an ambitious goal: Revenue should double from 2021.
- "Black Week has started well and we're seeing a clear increase in sales every single day so far," he says.
Blystad believes the goal of doubling is realistic for a number of reasons:
The heavy Aller Media investment is very noticeable in a market where most media companies focus heavily on shopping.
- "We've received good feedback on the Black Week studio and live feed, not least from competitors," says Blystad.
With the new live studio, Blystad and the affiliate team can constantly measure which offers readers are looking for. At the same time, traffic from the front pages is optimized based on what appeals to readers the most - towards what sells best.
Blystad is joined by Roger Kristiansen, Rebecca Wohl and Helene Førre in the Black Week initiative. The foursome will cover virtually every hour of the day, on weekdays and weekends, throughout Black Week. In addition, the live studio will also collect cookies on Cyber Monday next week.
- "This is the highlight of the year, the biggest thing that happens in the affiliate world. Black Friday is like Christmas for us," says Blystad.
And the adventure doesn't end there. Black Week is known as the start of Christmas shopping, and Blystad and co. are ready to take on more and more online shopping on all Aller Media's sites.
- We've assembled an amazing team of people who truly love the affiliate business. They work late and early to give our readers the best offers. The offers in the live feed and in the guides are hand-picked by people who really know their stuff," says the affiliate manager.