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The new circulation figures show that Dagbladet and Se og Hør are among the circulation winners
- Dagbladet Pluss in combination with the e-newspaper and the paper newspaper has a growth of 8.7% compared to the first half of the year and sells an average of 115,364 copies per day. Pluss alone sells 86,795 copies - an increase of 11.5%. "It is also impressive that the paper edition of the newspaper has an increase compared to the first half of the year, selling an average of 28,569 copies per day," says May-Wenche Amundsen, Director Market Print at Aller Media.
- On the magazine side, Se og Hør is a circulation winner! For the first time in 18 years, the Tuesday magazine has seen an increase in circulation - selling an average of 95,698 copies per week. If we consider the whole of 2020, Se og Hør has sold over 5 million magazines, an increase of 2.3% compared to the previous year.
- The other magazines are also doing well, with both PåTV and Vakre Hjem selling more magazines in 2020 than in 2019. Overall, Aller Media has sold 11.5 million magazines, an increase of 1.1% compared to the previous year. This is impressive in a market with an average annual decline of 5-10%," concludes a very satisfied Director of Market Print at Aller Media.