
Dagbladet cmyk logo 01

Every day, Dagbladet will be the first and best in breaking news, exclusive features and the biggest talking points.


Dagbladet .no is growing strongly and is one of Norway's leading news websites with 1.1 million readers every day.

Around the clock, you will be updated on news, sports and entertainment - and these three areas are by far the most important to our users. Dagbladet's users should feel updated, informed and entertained.

Breaking news in all areas is Dagbladet's most important content area. Dagbladet is also strong in consumer journalism, cultural journalism and we have extensive opinion journalism.

The newspaper's political stance is liberal, with a social profile.

Dagbladet's readers are overrepresented in the modern segments with higher than average education and media consumption. They also have above-average interest in topics such as politics, travel, consumer affairs, health and social life, education, business, theater, film, literature and music.

Dagbladet is one of the newspapers in Norway with the lowest number of rejections by the Press's Professional Committee in recent years.


As a tabloid newspaper, Dagbladet combines the sharp and the broad. Through reportage and debate, we aim to be a key contributor to the public debate.

Dagbladet is independent and critical of power, open, generous and tolerant when it comes to human relations and cultural expression, and is against all forms of moralism and oppression.

Dagbladet is part of a rational tradition that emphasizes that reason and knowledge are prerequisites for cognition and development.

The typical Dagbladet reader is modern and community-oriented, with higher than average education and media consumption. They have an above-average interest in topics such as politics, consumer affairs, health, relationships, movies, books, music and business.



The insert is delivered min. 3 working days before the insertion date to the printers


Front page:
14 point black font at the top right of the page: ADVERTISING INSERT published by... (name of the publisher of the insert).

Subsequent pages:
12 point black font at the top right of the page: AD INSERTS. All inserts must be approved by Dagbladet in advance. Send dummy as a pdf to Glenn Hagbru

Technical information

Many of Dagbladet's inserts are printed via the advertising section and must be sent to us. The technical specifications may vary depending on the formats and the printers we use. Please request further information from Glenn Hagbru

Delivery: The inserts must be delivered min. 3 working days before the insertion date to the printers

Cancellation deadline: If the insert is canceled less than 30 days before the booked date, 50% will be invoiced

Terms of sale and delivery for inserts in Dagbladet

These terms and conditions apply to the distribution of printed matter (hereinafter referred to as Inserts) as attachments to Dagbladet.

The customer arranges for the production and printing of the voucher by an external printer or agency and delivers the voucher to the printer, ready for distribution.

Dagbladet reserves the right to pre-approve printed matter to be distributed with the newspaper. Inserts must be approved by the editorial team and the dummy of the insert must be sent as a pdf by email to: glh@dagbladet.no or in print version to: Dagbladet, Karvesvingen 1, 0579 Oslo, att: Glenn Hagbru. The dummy must be received no later than 24 hours before the start of printing of the insert.

Dagbladet reserves the right to refuse distribution of printed matter that contravenes Norwegian law, is misleading or contains anything that Dagbladet believes is contrary to morality and good tone.

Dagbladet reserves the right to refuse distribution of newspaper-like printed matter that may be perceived by the reader as part of the main product.

Printed matter that does not clearly appear as an advertising supplement must be marked "ANNONSEINNSTIKK til Dagbladet - utgitt av kunden navn/firmanavn" in 14 point font. If the insert is to be financed by the sale of advertisements in the supplement, this must be approved in advance in writing by the newspaper (additional document to the terms of sale and delivery).

When selling and marketing the insert, sales and marketing measures that include Dagbladet 's logo or explicit brand names must be approved by Dagbladet 's marketing department.

Inserts must be delivered no later than 3 working days before the agreed distribution date to the printers who print Dagbladet.

The delivery must be marked:

The name of the newspaper.

Customer name

Name of the insert

Name of the newspaper


Distribution date

Each pallet must be marked with the total number of pallets and the number of copies per pallet.

For example "Pallet 1 of 5"

Sender (printing company/agency with telephone/fax)

Inserts to Dagbladet are delivered to the following locations:

Media trykk, Oslo, Sandakerveien 121, 0484 Oslo

Media Norge trykk, Bergen, Janaflaten 24, 5179 Godvik

Polaris Trykk, Trondheim, Industriveien 13 Heimdal, 7080 Heimdal

Polaris trykk, Harstad, Stangnes, 9400 Harstad

For circulation distribution, please contact Glenn Hagbru.

If Dagbladet is to be responsible for printing the voucher, it must be agreed with the contact persons at Dagbladet's advertising desk who will deliver the voucher electronically. The customer is responsible for this.

Inserts must be delivered in sheets, without elastic, twine or plastic/cardboard, packed on a pallet. The thickness of the sheets must be a minimum of 8 cm and a maximum of 12 cm regardless of the thickness of the insert. If the newspaper requires additional work due to non-prescribed packing or poor packing, the customer will be charged the additional costs in addition to the distribution price.

See also the description from our print supplier regarding formats and guarantees.

Dagbladet reserves the right to move the agreed distribution date, provided that the content of the voucher is not date-specific. The Customer will be notified of the change in advance. Moving the distribution date does not entitle the customer to a price reduction. The Customer is entitled to cancel or move the agreed distribution date if this takes place at least 30 working days before the agreed distribution date.

In case of cancellation after the deadline, the customer will be invoiced 50% (applies if no other agreement has been signed)

In the event of production problems, the main newspaper will have priority. This means that in the event of production disruptions, it may be decided to send out the newspapers without inserts.

If the newspaper has problems making an insertion on the booked day/date, the newspaper may reserve the right to postpone the insertion.

If the circulation department has to increase the circulation of the main newspaper from the normal due to a change in the news picture and the insert circulation thus becomes too small, this does not provide grounds for a complaint. This also applies to reprints.

Dagbladet has no responsibility for errors in Inserts or deviations from the originally approved dummy, and its consequences.

Distribution of 95% or more of the ordered print run is considered full distribution.

If less than 95% of the ordered print run is distributed, Dagbladet will, at its discretion, grant a price reduction corresponding to the reduced value of the distribution.

Dagbladet liability is in all cases limited to the agreed price for the distribution and does not include consequential or indirect losses, such as loss of expected turnover or profit.

All prices quoted are exclusive of VAT.

NB! For a more detailed description of the standard norms for packing and delivery of insert material, please contact Glenn Hagbru by phone: 945 21 054 or glh@dagbladet.no.

Frode Hansen

Dear advertiser,

When you choose Dagbladet, you choose to advertise in one of Norway's largest and most forward-thinking newspapers. Dagbladet is a newspaper in rapid growth, and in a time when more and more media lock their content behind paywalls, Dagbladet's goal is to become the largest in Norway on mobile. Dagbladet has both enormous traffic and control over its own data. We can offer a safe, relevant and editor-controlled environment.

Frode Hansen

Editor-in-chief, Dagbladet

Key figures

Total coverage

2.1 mill
Weekly readers
48 %
52 %



12 - 19 years


20 - 39 years


40 - 59 years


60 years +

Readers' interests

85 %
87 %
Personal finance
83 %
Food and drink
81 %
Travel and vacations
72 %
Exercise and training
67 %
Home renovation and maintenance
60 %
Interior and home furnishings
60 %
Clothes and shoes
57 %
40 %
Car and engine
38 %
Beauty and self-care

Source: Kantar Consumer & Media 24/2 - Q3 2024