
NTB 740228869
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Finance for the people - not just boring numbers, accounts and budgets

Dagbladet's financial website Børsen has seen tremendous growth since its launch in 2019. Every day, Børsen delivers high-quality financial and business journalism, presented in a tabloid style and written in a way that everyone can understand.

In addition to financial and business news, you'll find share and exchange rates and an overview of what's happening

on the stock exchange, as well as news about the big names, luxury life and real estate. Using classic tabloid means, fast pace and talking heads, it has quickly grown to become Norway's coolest financial website.

Jan Thomas Holmlund

Dear advertiser,

Our aim is to be first with the latest news, while explaining how the big numbers affect the lives of ordinary people. In addition, Børsen brings readers close to the big names, giving them an insight into how the richest people live and work. The response from readers has been fantastic so far. That's why we have now doubled the number of journalists, so that we can reach our very ambitious goals to grow further and offer even more quality journalism in 2022.

Jan Thomas Holmlund

Development editor, Børsen

Key figures

Total coverage

Weekly readers
25 %
75 %



12 - 19 years


20 - 39 years


40 - 59 years


60 years +

Readers' interests

88 %
Personal finance
82 %
81 %
Travel and vacations
80 %
Food and drink
71 %
70 %
Home renovation and maintenance
70 %
Exercise and training
59 %
Interior and home furnishings
56 %
Clothes and shoes
55 %
Car and engine

Source: Kantar Consumer & Media 24/2 - Q3 2024