Aller Media AS
Karvesvingen 1, 0579 Oslo
Tel: +47 21 30 10 00
See map NO 910 119
Invoices should be sent to: [email protected]
Marketplace is a self-service advertising platform for digital advertising. It works across Aller Media and Amedia's online newspapers and digital publications.
Marketplace is easy to use and you can generate reports during or after campaigns. In Marketplace, you can buy digital ads with a wide reach. In addition, you can set up campaigns based on our first-party data to target specific audiences (aID*).
* aID is the technology we use for login. An aID is an identity profile and it belongs to a real person. Through their aID profile, readers tell us who they are and what they read. We also know how often they visit us. We use this for accurate advertising and ensure good advertising experiences for readers.
The Marketplace is a collaboration between Aller Media and Amedia, owned 50/50 by each party. Diar operates the Marketplace and develops the technology and products.
Please contact our sales manager Carl-Fredrik Ullerø by phone or email.
Do you only want to create an account?
Then send an email to [email protected] with the following info:
You will receive an email as soon as your account is created :)
Strategic sales manager
958 04 682